About the Book:
Book: Who Brought the Dog to Church?
Author: Tracy L. Smoak
Genre: Christian Contemporary Fiction
Release Date: June, 2023

Betty is sure that Ida Lou does not belong in their church when the woman shows up to the Good Friday service with her small dog in tow. But before she knows what’s happening, Betty is pushed into helping the woman as she deals with the sudden hospitalization of her husband. Having lost her own husband just one year ago, Betty is chosen as the perfect person to help walk through this valley with the newcomer—along with the other women of the WUFHs (Women United For Him).
Sarah McAdams knows her husband loves her. He just loses his temper sometimes. It comes with the stress of being a highly recognized police officer. But when Sarah makes the decision that this is not the life she wants for her young son, will she be able to get out alive? Where can she go? And who will help her?
God works in mysterious ways—and through ordinary people. The town of Prosper is about to experience some drama—and it all starts with a dog who comes to church.
My Thoughts:
Some books catch my interest as soon as I start reading them. Who Brought the Dog to Church? was one of those. When I saw the request for reviewers, I looked up the preview on Amazon to decide if I wanted to read the book. I read the three or four chapters that were available there, and was hooked, so I signed up for the review. Then, I had to decide when to read the book. Should I read the ebook that was sent to me, or wait until a friend could bring the physical book in their suitcase from the States? Since the physical book would arrive here in time to read before the review was due, I decided to wait. There is something about holding a print book and reading it that is quite different from reading on my Kindle! It was worth waiting for.
I spent a week reading Who Brought the Dog to Church? We were away from home on a family vacation, so I didn’t have time to read more than a couple of chapters each evening before bed until one day we were driving a long distance and the road was straight enough to be able to read for awhile and I could find out how the story ended. This was a book that caught my attention and held it, so much so that when I was not reading I often thought about it and wondered what would happen next to Sarah.
I don’t think I’ve ever read a book based on domestic violence before. When I started reading this one, I wondered how in the world all these characters were connected. The story shifted from Betty watching Ida Lou and her dog in church, to Letitia mixing up a message on the prayer chain, to Sarah being hurt by her angry husband—where could a story with such a collection of characters be going? After awhile, everything came together, however, and started to make sense. The thoughts and feelings of each person were described so vividly that I found myself wrapped up in this story and emotionally invested in several of them. This debut novel is gripping, and offers many tips for helping to recognize and help victims of domestic violence, as well as those grieving the loss of loved ones.
I received a review copy of this book from the author, and these are my honest thoughts about it. Links may be affiliate links, which will benefit Esther’s website if purchases are made through them.
About the Author:
A native Floridian, Tracy L. Smoak grew up riding horses and climbing citrus trees. Her passion is to encourage others in their faith journey. Smoak writes for Guideposts. Ambassador International released her debut novel, Who Brought the Dog to Church?. Bold Vision published her Bible study about encouragement titled Refuge of Grace: Finding Your Safe Place.
She loves photography and authored two hardcover devotionals with her original nature art (Living Water to Refresh Your Soul – tranquil lake scenes; and Arranged with Love– floral landscapes).
Smoak holds a master’s in Education and a bachelor’s in Communication. At her church home, she leads small-group Bible studies. She is an active member of Word Weavers International.
More from Tracy:
What secrets are hidden behind your neighbor’s door? What do you try to hide?
The idea for this contemporary fiction began in a small country church during an Easter prayer vigil a decade ago. As I sat in the pew late at night, I heard a strange scratching noise. When I turned to locate the sound’s source, I saw a woman across the aisle with a little Yorkie.
The vigil was silent, so I didn’t approach the lady, but I did wonder why that pooch accompanied her in the sanctuary. That scenario, connected with others in my weekly involvement in several volunteer roles, sparked imagination. We judge appearances and may completely miss needs of the heart. Do we know our neighbors?
Experiences as an advocate for survivors of domestic violence started me wondering how do people get free from damaging situations? What are the obstacles holding them back?
Serving as a Stephens Ministry leader in my home church exposed me to people suffering loss. How are we to stand with those crushed with grief?
Another volunteer role helping immigrants settle in the U.S. reminded me of the difficulties they face. How can one fill out an online job application when a person relocates from a refugee camp with no electricity and never has had a computer?
The story’s heart is learning to really see, and know, our neighbors. Three women and their friendships reveal how doing good unites a community. Through comic misunderstandings and risky undertakings, the characters show us how to be Christ’s hands and feet.
Short videos to introduce the main characters can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kuEoU7pFvU&list=PLf6ZzeQjavMcocMuZDOZUvLxZG48BiWm5&index=1.
Audio book excerpts can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwxqS2mNisI&list=PLf6ZzeQjavMcocMuZDOZUvLxZG48BiWm5&index=9.
Video resources for survivors of domestic violence are at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Aq2myofjo&list=PLf6ZzeQjavMd0mkdKujmZeq7iKDzi8IoQ&index=2.
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Hello, so nice of you to take time to review and recommend books! Loved seeing your family and the pictures from the trip. Pretty neat how the internet and Celebrate Lit connected us across continents!
This looks like a couple of good books. Thanks for hosting this tour.
This should be a great novel. Thanks for hosting this tour.