On the afternoon of the day we spent in Auckland, we took a ferry to Devonport, on the other side of the harbour. That was more of our field trip–to experience riding a ferry! This cruise ship was tied up to the dock near where the ferry docked.

There were also a lot of huge freight ships.

When we landed in Devonport, we started walking toward Mount Victoria. I quickly realized, though, that I wouldn’t make it much farther, as my sciatic nerve was playing up. Gayle and all the older children went up to the top, so these are Esther’s pictures. They saw this banyan tree along the way.

At the top is a gun bunker leftover from World War II.

A view of the Harbour, with Auckland on the other side and Devonport in the foreground.

Meanwhile, Mr. Imagination, Little Miss and Miss Joy stayed with me at a playground at sea level.

After the children played for a little while on the playground, they wanted to check out the beach, so we wandered over there.

I watched ferries go back and forth while the children played in the sand.

Mr. Imagination was delighted to find a crab in the rocks.

Soon it was time to return to Auckland. We went back to the ferry dock and watched it come in, then boarded.

We noticed several Navy ships tied up on the other side of the harbour.

When we reached Auckland again, we caught the train and returned to Drury.
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