How would you like to live on a road like this? Our friends do! We kept the van in first or second gear to go down it!
I love the old buildings in Dunedin! Christchurch had them when we came here, but a lot came down in or since the earthquakes.
We still don’t know what the Chinese Gardens are like. It cost to get in, so we did free things instead.
Saturday morning we had to drive south of Dunedin to pick up a turkey Mr. Inventor bought to be the new father of his flock. This is the farm from which we bought it.
The boys were fascinated with the man’s junk pile!
Random scenery on the way back to the city.
In the Settler’s Museum. Mr. Handyman twisted his foot Saturday climbing Mount Cargill, so he was glad to rest awhile.
We walked a block or two in Dunedin after dark, and saw this amazing garden. There are two sets of stairs coming down the hill, making an X, with the flower bed in between. I think the flowers were pansies, and the green plants were celery!
There are a lot of stone fences around the area.
A couple more old houses I liked!
And a beautiful church.
I liked the bus stops, too. So much prettier than Christchurch’s glass and metal ones.
Inside the Settler’s Museum—trying to figure out how it was welded together!
I don’t know what this is; it’s on top of a hill between Oamaru and Dunedin.
This building is in Oamaru; I saw it on our way home.
That beautiful church was my church when I lived in Dunedin ^.^ I love seeing people visiting my old town! Hope you had a great trip 🙂
That’s special! We really enjoyed that trip.