The day we traveled from Taupo to Wellington started out cold and rainy. About halfway through our travels that day, however, the sun came out and by the time we got to the Kapiti Coast, just north of Wellington on the Tasman Sea, the weather was delightful. We stopped for a little while at a carpark facing Kapiti Island and had fun exploring the rocks.

Miss Joy had great fun collecting shells!

Mr. Imagination was just glad to be out of the van. Notice all the action in the next few shots!

We noticed a commuter train going along the cliff towards Wellington.

Bluebottles were washed up along the shore.

Lots of seagulls around!

That evening we went shopping for a few ingredients for our dinner and the next morning’s breakfast. I notice dragon fruit at the supermarket, so we bought one just to see what they were like. We all enjoyed it!

The next day we went to church with some friends in Wellington. When we left the hall to go to their house for lunch, the van wouldn’t start. The battery was flat. They came to our rescue, and after lunch the men and boys went back to work on the van. It turned out that some tiny piece of rubber had perished, making the brake light stay on all the time, draining the battery! A clothespin took care of that problem. We ended up spending all afternoon with our friends, and going back to their church for the evening service. In between, some of us drove to a windmill up the hill from their house and had a good view of Wellington from that vantage point.

And that’s the end of the pictures from our big trip! Now I’ll try to catch up with the other pictures we’ve taken so far this year. It’s been a very busy summer and not likely to slow down for a few more weeks.