Cooking a meal can be quite a challenge when baby wants to be held–and according to him, Mom is the only one qualified to hold him! He tends to be fussy in the evening, of course. Tonight, I cooked supper this way:
Isn’t he sweet? I love having him snuggled up to me that way, although it does get a little tiring after awhile.
This is like a Moby Wrap. After my last baby was born, a friend showed me the one she had made. It’s very simple. I just bought a 3-yard length of 60″ wide knit fabric from Joanne Fabrics, and cut it in half lengthwise along the fold. Then, I took one end of each of these strips and sewed them together securely with several rows of stitching:
That’s all! Then, to use, I wrap the cloth around the back of my waist and cross it over my front, then over my back, bring the ends around front and tie at one side of my waist. Put the baby in with a leg on each side of the X on your front and spread out the cloth to support and cover him. Then, jiggle and sing till baby goes to sleep!
Joanna says
I used one of those with Rosa Joy, and loved it! I felt like I was still pregnant… only better, because I could see my baby and give her to someone else if I got tired:-) I liked wearing her in the wrap also because if we went somewhere where I knew there would be alot of people wanting to hold, and pass her around, I found if she was in the wrap no one even asked to hold her! I’d like to learn how to wrap her on my back now- like the African woman do. I’ve tried a few times, but was too afraid of dropping her.