The first weekend of October, we went to Nelson on an overnight trip to visit friends. We were planning to go to a wedding, but because of Level 2 lockdown, only Esther was able to go. We decided to go just to see people, though. We went up there on a Saturday morning, and it was a beautiful day! This has been a very wet year on the Coast, so we thoroughly enjoyed seeing sunshine. We had to stop a few times because of carsick tummies, which made it a longer trip than it would have needed to be, but that gave the boys time to enjoy a creek along the road. Elijah took these pictures on his phone.
A little farther on, I took this picture as we went over the Hope Saddle. The mountains were so gorgeous that day!
We spent that afternoon with a family we got to know in Kaikoura the first few years we were in New Zealand. It was great to reconnect with them! They live at a Christian camp, where he is the cook, so our boys had great fun all afternoon using the obstacle course and other equipment there. Sunday morning we had an open-air meeting with several families on top of a hill on a farm, and then we went into Nelson to meet another old friend from Cheviot. After spending a couple of hours with her, we went to her church, and then drove the 3+ hours home. We were all very tired, but it was great to catch up with so many people.