Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Do you ever struggle to get the gist of a book of the Bible? It can be helpful to have a resource that tells you, in a few sentences, what each section of a book is about. A Bible study tool we have been using lately, for our family devotions, is Bible Blueprints, from Teach Sunday School. We have found these pages quite helpful, just to get a quick overview of a book, chapter, or section of chapters.

Each page of Bible Blueprints has several sections. At the top of the page is some general information. At a glance, you will know the book’s order in either the Old or New Testament, how many chapters are included, and what type of book it is (historical, prophecy, etc.). Next on the page is an overview of the entire books and its author. This line also gives information about when the book was written and the time period covered in the book.

The heart of the page is the lower half. Here, the book is divided into sections, according to the themes of each group of chapters. Sometimes only one chapter is summarized, or there may be several chapters put together. The heading for each group is a different color, making it attractive and easy to use. Each section has a heading and a several-sentence summary. For example, I’m looking at Judges right now. There are six headings, with from one to five chapters per heading. The first section gives an overview of chapters 1-3; the second, which groups Deborah and Gideon together, describes chapters 4-8, and then Chapter 9, which tells the story of Abimelech, is by itself. I just learned something I didn’t know about the book of Judges: it is believed that the prophet Samuel wrote it!
Right now, for our family devotions, we are reading through the Minor Prophets. I printed the pages for the next several books we’ll be reading, and gave them to Gayle. As we start a new section of chapters, he has been reading the summary of that section to us, and it has helped us to understand the passages a little better. We just finished the book of Joel. I have always struggled to understand the imagery in this book, but now it is much clearer.

There are many Bible study tools available; this is just one. However, it is a tool that is easy to use and very clear. The way it is laid out makes it easy to lay eyes on just what you need at the moment. I believe we’ll be using Bible Blueprints for a long time for our family devotional time.
Click on the image below to see what a number of other families have said about this book! I’m sure they will have a lot of creative ideas for putting this Bible study tool to good use.
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