Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Little Miss and I have been having fun working through a book titled Building Thinking Skills Beginning 2, from The Critical Thinking Co.™. We always enjoy the workbooks we get from this company, and this one is no exception! She loves doing pages from it, and always wants to do more than I had planned. We started out doing five pages a day, but now we’re often doing ten or more.
The first several pages were very simple—name a shape and its color, figure out what “rule” applies to a group of shapes, match shapes and colors. Then there were some activities having to do with numbers of shapes in a group, and then we started working with patterns. Some pages have groups of pictures, and she is supposed to figure out which one is different, point it out, and tell me why it is different. That takes some thinking! As we progress through the book, I’m seeing that similar assignments get more difficult. A new step or concept will be added to the ones we’ve already been doing. For example, instead of shapes of particular colors filling a grid, and having to figure out which one is missing, there might be numbers or symbols, and the colors vary. Instead of one symbol missing from a grid, there are two missing—and then three.
Concepts like halves, longer/shorter, more/less, and taller/shorter are introduced. Most of the pages are very colorful and attractive, although some are black and white. That contrast, in my opinion, adds to the attractiveness of the book. A lot of pages instruct the child to point to a particular item; some say to draw lines to it. Some pages require drawing simple shapes. Little Miss quite enjoys the ones where she is to color pictures with a limited number of colors, and make each one different!
This book is available either in a hard copy or as a PDF. I received the PDF because I live outside the United States and it would have been cost-prohibitive to mail one here. I think I would order the PDF if I was buying the book, though. Most of it can be done on the computer screen, with the child just pointing to things or drawing a line with her fingers. A lot of pages just require talking about what is there! I’m printing the ones that tell her to draw something, and it’s nice that a lot of them can be printed in black and white. The biggest reason I like the PDF is that I will have it for Miss Joy to use in a couple of years, whereas a print book is consumable.
Little Miss is a bit on the older side for this book; it’s intended for use by preschoolers/kindergartners. She does have to stop and think a bit about some of the assignments, though. It’s been good for her to be forced to think logically to complete the activities! As we progress through the book, she is having to think a little more and a little more. I like this book and the way it helps children to think logically! I want to go through it with Miss Joy when she is four or five—I think she’ll love it, too!
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