Disclosure: I received this product free through the Homeschool Review Crew
One of the perks of being on the Homeschool Review Crew is having access to SchoolhouseTeachers.com every year. Once again, we have been given the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership. I have written a couple of other reviews of this amazing resource, which you can find here and here. Last January, when I planned our school year, I realized that Mr. Diligence did not have a lot of school to do, so I told him to explore the SchoolhouseTeachers site and choose a couple of courses to do. He chose one that he thought would be useful to him, and another that he thought sounded interesting.
Mr. Diligence’s first choice was Personal Finance in Bite-Size Chunks. At first, he thought this would be an accounting course, and figured he would learn how to keep books when he someday has a business of his own. Instead, this course is more about attitudes towards money and being wise with how you spend it. Each lesson gives suggestions for things to talk about, either as a class or with the mother/teacher and student. We talked about topics such as needs and wants, paychecks, check books, savings, interest, and hidden costs of owning a car. This particular son is very conscious of how he spends money, already, and knew most of the things we talked about. I felt like it was valuable, though, to spend the time discussing these things with him and making sure he has a good, solid foundation for how he thinks about money.
The other course he chose to do was Geography of the Bible. This course includes 15 video lessons. Each of these includes a video to watch, a worksheet, and essay questions. I was hardly involved with this course; he watched the videos on his own with earphones so as not to distract his younger brothers who were working on school in the same room, and then printed what he needed and worked his way through it himself. There are answer keys for each worksheet; the worksheets ask questions about what was covered in the video. The essay questions are a lot harder. Each lesson offers five different choices for a compare/contrast assignment. In the lesson about Hebron: City of Promise, he could have chosen to compare and contrast Jerusalem and Hebron, or Abraham and Jesus, Mount Moriah and the tomb at Hebron, the tomb and the city gate, or the shrines at the tomb and the Dome of the Rock. Suggestions are given about the possible spiritual significance of some of these people or places, but the student is expected to think hard about them. Next, comes a research project. Again, five different suggestions are given for each lesson, and you are expected to find information online or in books to answer the questions. Finally, there are three suggestions for research papers. Mr. Diligence never did these. He struggled so much with the compare/contrast assignments and research projects that I didn’t have him do more. Reading and writing just aren’t easy for him!
Mr. Diligence really liked this course. He appreciated the videos, and one thing that really stands out to him is the way the narrator pointed to Jesus throughout the course. Mr. Diligence feels like he learned a lot about the Bible through doing this course, and he says that everyone should watch the videos. Maybe some time we’ll be able to watch them as a family—I would like to see them, and I know Gayle would, too. We’ll likely never go to Israel in person, but this would be a good way to experience some of the places in the Bible.
One thing I discovered when I was looking at the website in preparation for writing this review was that there are printable certificates for each course! I printed the one for the Personal Finance course for Mr. Diligence, and he was pleased to receive it. He hasn’t finished the other course yet, and we’re on our summer holiday right now, so he’s paused for a couple of months. It’s fun to have a way to mark finishing a course.
These are only two of the many, many courses available on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. You can find courses on almost any subject you need, and for any level, from Kindergarten through High School. There is something for everyone on this site! You can get access to all the hundreds of resources on this site for one price for the whole family, and put together a complete curriculum for one child or the entire family. There is even a section for parents, planners, calendars, and record-keeping helps. You name it, it’s probably there—even several libraries from World Book. And, as always, don’t just read my review. A lot of other families have been using SchoolhouseTeachers.com this past month, and they will each probably write about different parts of the site, so read a few of their reviews by clicking the banner below.
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