On the second day of our holiday, we packed up the vans in Arthur’s Pass and headed out about mid-morning. Our first destination for the day was Cave Stream. Gayle and Simon had gone through it four years ago, and now all the boys, as well as Little Miss, wanted to go through. Esther and I did not! We don’t think it’s that fun to wade through waist-deep, cold water, in the dark!
Here is some of the scenery we enjoyed on our way down from the pass, through the high basin. It was such a gorgeous day!
There were a lot of cars at the carpark when we arrived.
It was incredibly beautiful there! Pictures can’t do it justice—you have to actually be there to really get a feel for the beauty. This is only a tiny glimpse. You could turn around in a complete circle and see amazing scenery all the way around. Also, in a photo you can’t capture the feel of the warm breeze, the fresh mountain air and the scent of the flowers, and the sounds of sheep and lambs baaing off in the distance. Such a wonderful experience!
I saw this wild rose bush beside the track.
The entrance to the cave is that hole down at the base of the cliff.
The boys ran on ahead, leaving Gayle and Little Miss to catch up with them at the cave entrance.
After seeing them off, Esther and I walked on up the trail to the exit of the cave, where the stream goes in. She carried Miss Joy; I carried the security blanket.
The stream used to flow here, but when it eroded back enough that it found a way underground, this streambed dried out.
The stream goes underground here, and this is the exit when you go through the cave.
After our crew came out of the cave and put on dry clothing, we laid out our picnic. We cooked the last of the hamburgers we had for supper the night before.
Miss Joy put on her big sister’s gumboots and walked around the carpark.
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