Here are pictures of our favorite toddler in her 14th month!
We had crepes with whipped cream, sweetened yogurt, bananas and chocolate sauce for breakfast one morning. She loved that breakfast!
She loves to climb into things. We use this crate to take our Bibles to church. As soon as it was unloaded, she sat in it.
She found my teacup on the couch one morning when I forgot to take it to the kitchen. She loves that cup!
Gayle brought firewood home from the mill one day, and she helped unload it. She was handing pieces to him. Little Miss helped, too.
Gotta put the earmuffs on! The big people do!
She found her favorite big brother on the couch and had to climb on him.
One afternoon she was playing with her brothers in the empty section next to our house. As you can see, she found some mud!
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