I just looked over my photos from July, and most of them were of Miss Joy! Do you think we’re enjoying her?
This was just before she started walking; she figured out that she could push the crate around.
We roasted a turkey one evening, and she was delighted to be given some of the bones.
I made a carob cake with a fudgy frosting, and when she climbed up to the table she was delighted to find something yummy!
One of her brothers got these pictures before he left for work one morning.
She loves to climb into the window and look out.
She has been eating—and loving—ice cream for months already, but this was the first time she was handed a cone of her own. She loved it!
All worn out!
Simon with his little sisters.
Mr. Intellectual with his little sisters.
Checking out the cat’s tail! Princess has trained her by now to leave her alone
Yes, we took her down from here as soon as the photo was snapped! She’s rather daring.
She discovered the piano recently.
Miss Joy is growing up so fast, but she will always be cute?