Here are the last of the photos from March that I didn’t get fitted into other posts.
For science this year, we’re working our way through Exploring Creation With Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day. When we studied the chapter about cats, the grand finale was to cut out pictures of cougars and deer from the notebooking journals, and toss the cougar onto the deer. If the cougar landed on three deer, that meant it had enough food and could live and reproduce. If not, it died. Each deer that didn’t get eaten reproduced, and another cougar would move into the area. It was very interesting to see how the number of cougars rose with the number of deer, and then the deer population dropped when there were too many cougars. It was a very vivid illustration of the balance of nature!
Mr. Intellectual dissected a shark for his Biology course. He was supposed to have a perch, but we made do with what we had. The shark had been in the freezer for a year!
Little Miss loves to haul things in her wheelbarrow! This was before Simon fixed it up and painted it.
I’m not sure who took this picture, but I liked it. This is a rare picture of Mr. Diligence sitting still for a few minutes—obviously Goofball made herself at home on his knee very quickly!
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