We enjoyed several family reunions while we were in Ohio. The one with my husband’s father’s extended family was held at a state park near Dayton. The children had a lot of fun playing around the pond. Grandpa brought a few fishing rods, but only two fish were caught.
I enjoyed seeing the plants around the trails. This was teasel, just about to bloom.
Mr. Inventor climbed around in the trees, getting bobbers and lures that had been lost by other fishermen.
What he didn’t realize was that there was poison ivy on the trees! He spent the next week, until the day we left, quite miserable with poison ivy all over his arms and legs. I treated him with oatmeal a few times, and we also tried many other remedies. We were very thankful that it dried up the day before we left for home; we were worried that if the Immigration officials saw it when we arrived in New Zealand that he would be turned back. We thought about getting a doctor’s statement as to what it was, but thankfully, because it dried up, he was able to wear a long-sleeved shirt and hide it.
The shelter house at the park, where we had the reunion. It was good to see many cousins, aunts and uncles again!
The pond, which will always be remembered by our family as the the place where Mr. Inventor got poison ivy! It was really beautiful.
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