One Saturday while we were in Ohio, almost all of Gayle’s family were together. One niece is in Africa, and a couple of other people were missing for one reason or another, but we had a good time just being together all day. In the afternoon, I let a niece use my camera, and she got some interesting pictures. I kept a number of the 100+ pictures, and then took some more in the evening myself.
This is the setup for cooking chicken for supper. They built a fire in that tire rim, and the food was put on the “table”.
Mr. Inventor with a kite.
Grandma’s flowers.
Gayle spent a lot of time that week trimming this hedge behind the house.
Apparently this sign was something Gayle helped make in Young Folks—he can’t remember what it was for. The children had fun with it.
Our old van. When we moved from Michigan to New Zealand, we drove this van to the Cincinnati airport, and Gayle’s parents drove it back to their place. At this point, it is undriveable. The back bumper actually rusted so much it fell off!
Gayle’s parents house.
Getting ready for supper.
Little Miss with a cousin.
The pinata that was the highlight of the evening for the children.
Going after the goodies! I was glad that, besides candy, there were also little toys.
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