Baby showed up at the door this afternoon, in the tow of Big Brother who was saying, “Be prepared!” It took awhile to figure out what he got into, but eventually we found that he had been playing with a bucket of mud, and obviously decided to paint his face! He enjoyed the clean-up, once I quit turning him upside down to wash his hair. Tonight, he painted himself again. This time, it was easier to clean up!
I haven’t been doing well at keeping this blog up, so I’ll just put in some more miscellaneous pictures from the past week or so. Maybe I’ll aim to do that in the future–just go through the memory card once a week or so and put up pictures of the highlights of the week.
Our landlord put 180 dry dairy cows into the paddock next to our house over the past week. He keeps them here for the winter to allow their home farm to rest. They arrived in big double-decker stock trucks.
The paddock he put them in is planted in kale, which is 4-5 feet high! Notice how the cows are dwarfed by it!
This is the first section, after 24 hours of grazing by about 120 cows. By the next day, nothing was left except short stubs of stems.
This enormous spider was on a cupboard in the laundry room one night when I was putting laundry in the washer! It was 1 1/2 inches long.
Simon invented a stir-fry one evening, with goat meat, onions, mushrooms, lemon juice, salt and pepper, and an egg. It was delicious!
At the same time, Elijah was mixing up apricot-chocolate chip muffins, and Seth was making coconut bread, which I didn’t manage to get a picture of before it disappeared. Both were scrumptious! The kitchen was quite the busy place that evening, as all three boys were cooking while I was trying to fix supper. Also during that time, a friend dropped off my cell phone which had gotten left somewhere, and someone else came for milk!
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