It always amazes–and challenges me–to see how the children ALL want to do whatever I’m doing. This afternoon I went out to transplant tiny tomatoes into individual pots. Within minutes, all six children had joined me, and were helping. A couple of boys got started planting pumpkin seeds that they had saved from the pumpkins they grew themselves last year in newspaper pots, and Esther worked on the tomatoes. They can’t wait to plant in the big garden, which was plowed this afternoon. Next week it should be tilled and we can plant!
Setting the tomato seedlings on top the woodbox, where they will have plenty of light and warmth.
Spreading the bird netting over the strawberry patch–the first strawberry is nearly ripe!
Do you think you could mail me a fresh strawberry when they ripen? 🙂
Hi, my name is Ross – I’ve just come across your blog site / diary and I’ve been reading parts of it with much interest. You’re clearly an industrious family who rejoice in the day which the Lord has made. What a great position to be in – it reminds me of a wonderful hymn, “Only to be what He wants me to be… every moment of every day…. Yielded completely to Jesus, my Lord, EVERY step of the pilgrim way… Just to be clay in the potters’ hand, ready to do what His Word commands… only to be what He wants me to be…. every moment of EVERY day! :-)”
Anyway, I see that you also home school, and that you’re in North Canterbury. I live in Geraldine, which is north of Timaru. It’s a small town which is just lovely. One of the things that I do here is that I have a hobby of growing carnivorous plants. I see from this blog post that you’re keen gardeners and I was thinking that I should like to give you some plants, as you might find them interesting in the context of your home schooling and / or just enjoy them for their beauty. Or perhaps they may catch the odd fly for you, and make rural life a little more pleasant for you in the summer. Please let me know if you would like some. It would be late November before the season would be sufficiently advanced to allow me to drop them off to you, when I will be visiting my parents in the Nelson district.
From your attire, I glean that you may have some connections with the Hutterite / Amish / Plain People. I have an appreciation for your heritage and once considered relocating to Canada to engage in such a life myself although, that was many years ago. Nonetheless, I still appreciate the qualities that such folk have and the simplicity of their lives. If such folk also share a common faith in YHWH and His Son also, then I suspect that we would have something in common.
In Them, Father and Son,
Thank you for your letter. We would enjoy a visit from you, by the sound of things, and I’m sure our boys would enjoy learning about carnivorous plants! We live very close to the highway, so it is easy to find us. Let us know when you are coming through. A Saturday would be best, as my husband works very long hours Monday-Friday in November and December, making hams for Christmas (he is a smallgoods butcher).
Ok, it would be a pleasure to drop by. Feel free to email me your details:
It’s my mother’s birthday on the 20th November, so I’ll be in Nelson then – but on Saturday the 21st November, I could probably drop on by if that would be convenient? I will probably drop the plants at your post box on the way through to Nelson so that they are not subject to a week in the car. 🙂
Curious to know how long you’ve been in NZ, and are you in fellowship etc?
Christian love, In Them,