I decided today that it was time to wash the kitchen floor. (Don’t ask how long it’s been–I won’t tell you. Suffice it to say, it doesn’t happen often.) It’s very interesting how much interest is generated in a job like scrubbing the floor when Mom starts doing it! I got started, and soon James came to help. Then, when Esther finished sweeping, I had her start washing the ceiling; we never got the second half finished a few months ago. Pretty soon Seth showed up, begging to help; I ordered him to wash–and dry (to finish removing dirt)–his feet first. By then, James was working on cupboard doors and walls. Elijah decided it looked like fun, too, so he joined in–and then Simon got in on the act! By the time we were finished, the floor was clean, and half the ceiling, and the walls and cupboard were much cleaner! I told Gayle, “This is our family fun for the day!” He asked if he could wash his feet and join in, too! I said, “Sure–you can even have your own bucket!” He went outside to do something else, though–can’t imagine why!
I apologize for the blurry pictures–amateur photographer, here. (One of the younger boys–he forgot the flash.)
Standing on the table to scrub the ceiling!
Heather Croswhite says
It’s amazing what kind of cleaning pregnant women accomplish 🙂 so happy for you !