I know it’s been awhile since I have posted. I was without my computer for a week, since when I took it in for servicing they found that the hard drive was failing. No wonder it was so slow and so many programs no longer worked! It’s like having a new computer now.
The biggest event of the past two weeks was getting the truck out of the river last Saturday. All the children except the baby went; I didn’t want to be there to see it happen so I stayed home and had a quiet hour.
First, he tried to hook the chain to the front.
The front bumper didn’t work, so they had to hook to the hitch at the back. Gayle took a hot shower as soon as he got home!
Out it comes! Just after this photo was taken, an eel slithered out of the engine compartment. The boys dug around inside for treasures!
Goodbye, little Nissan truck!We also bought a “new” truck nearly two weeks ago, but I don’t have a picture of it yet. It’s a Ford, in case you wanted to know! We also got a lamb since then–baby was quite fascinated the day he got to go outside when it was tied out! We had a week of sunny, warm weather, with the north-west wind blowing almost constantly, but this week has been winter again, cold and wet.