When I order school books from Christian Light Publications, I usually add a few extras. This time, we got Something Extra for Ryanne, and Sidetracked. I ordered the first because we now have a nephew who has Down Syndrome and I wanted to help my children understand him better. I can’t remember why I ordered the other–I don’t even remember adding it to the order! It looks very good, though, and I plan to read it one of these days.

We went to town one day, and went to the one op shop in town that wasn’t still closed from the Christmas holidays. Esther found a couple of books she had been wanting:

I found a couple of the I Survived books offered on a Facebook page, and jumped at the chance. I haven’t read these particular ones, but I bought and read a few others several months ago and found them very easy to read and quite interesting. One of the children who doesn’t necessarily read a lot picked one up and read through it without stopping. That made me want to buy these books when I can.

Esther stopped at a business in a small town close to here, and had a look in the book swap housed in an old refrigerator there. She actually found two books she was interested in! I was amused that I already had a copy of one of them, but she hadn’t seen it because it is in my bedroom waiting for me to read it.

I bought this book for Little Miss for her birthday. She loves to read, so I hope she will enjoy it.

Esther went to Nelson for a friend’s baby shower, and while she was there she did some secondhand shopping. She found these books–a couple of classics; Jane Austen’s last book, finished by someone else; and two children’s books. Miss Joy is excited about the Paddington book; Esther has been reading her one of the other books in that series and she loves it. Good Charlotte is an unknown quantity; we’ll have to read it to decide if it’s staying or not.

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