The first weekend in June, several of our children went to Dunedin for a conference, a weekend of preaching, at a church there. Some friends from this area went along, too. After the conference, before heading home, they made a quick stop to check out what is listed in the Guiness Book of World Records as the steepest street in the world–Baldwin Street. It has a gradient of 35%–the result of following plans laid out for the town from England without taking local topography into consideration!

This one is here just for fun–Simon clowning around one of the evenings!

And a funny bit of trivia? Three of my children, two of whom were in the group that went to Dunedin, are in the United States right now. They had a 12-hour-layover in San Francisco, and a cousin took them on a short tour of the city. One thing they did was to drive down what is known as the curviest street in the world!
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