Here are the rest of the pictures I have found on our devices from the last couple of months. For some reason, we aren’t taking many pictures. I guess we’re too busy living life to document it! And, nothing that exciting has been happening; just daily life.
We found a pear tree near the river that no one claimed, and processed a lot of pears. What a treasure!

James had a bicycle accident in March and landed on his face on the pavement. The three younger children all saw it happen, and Mr. Imagination drew this picture while I was at the hospital with James. He had a concussion and his face was messed up, but by now he is no longer extra tired, no longer getting headaches, and his face is looking much better.

The hot peppers in the greenhouse have done very well this year. I dried a lot and ground them in the food processor into hot pepper flakes. When I need cayenne pepper powder, I’ll grind that in the spice grinder.

Elijah went to the farm on which Simon is working and they shot a stag. Elijah had quite an audience the next morning as he skinned it before he went to work!

We spent the day boning out the deer, and got about 80 kg (170 pounds) of meat.

As usual, we went to Timaru for Easter. We took a shortcut on the way, which led through a very beautiful area I had never seen.

The Lego lovers of the family built some four-wheel drive vehicles, and then tested them out on the stove.

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