A week ago, Saturday’s project was reroofing Simon’s house. Simon had ordered the roofing iron, and it was delivered on the Monday before that day. Simon was hoping to get half the house finished in one day, and he had a lot of people who offered to help him. When Esther and I arrived over there with a pot of soup for lunch, this is what we saw–both sides of the roof ripped off!
Several of the younger helpers were scooping birds’ nests out of the roof cavity. It was apparently quite full!
Elijah and a friend were measuring the metal.
Poor Simon was supposed to be in charge!
They laid netting down over the purlins (after they replaced them all, as well as adding new timber to the sides of the rafters to extend and level the roof), and then put building paper over that before putting the new roof on.
They were still working after dark. The job was finished about 7:30. While we were eating lunch, it had started to rain, and looked like it might keep on all day. I was praying, as I drove home, that the rain would stop and they would be able to finish the job without the house getting soaked. As you can see from some of these pictures, the sun came out again! We were thankful. We’re pretty happy that the roof got finished before the new ceilings got damaged from rain. This weekend, the boys got the chimney installed, so now there is heat in the house.
Rosalind Rossiter says
What a great project! So many willing helpers! So glad the roof was finished before too much rain fell (the prayers would have helped!). Best regards, Ros