Something that our children like to do occasionally, since the older ones have full licenses now, is all go out to eat somewhere, leaving Gayle and I at home alone. They don’t do it often, and they don’t get fancy; fish and chips is a favorite. They went to town one evening in January, bought fish and chips, and ate them at a trailhead on a hill above Greymouth. Then, they walked to the end of the track, enjoying the scenery and each other. Esther and a couple of the boys took pictures on their phones, and then I borrowed the pictures.
Left to right: Mr. Sweetie holding the food box, Elijah, Little Miss, Simon, Miss Joy.

The Grey River in the foreground, Cobden in the middle, and the Tasman Sea out to the horizon.

Part of Greymouth

Looking up the Grey Valley. Left to right: James, Mr. Sweetie, Simon holding Miss Joy (who informed me later that she had walked up the entire track!), Mr. Imagination, Elijah, Little Miss.

The Grey River and Grey River Valley

My three girls–Little Miss, Miss Joy, Esther

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

Then, Miss Joy wanted to do it, too!

Off they go down the track!

Meanwhile, at home, I made a special candlelit meal for just the two of us! It was a very good evening.
What a lovely idea