Around the beginning of December, I was given access to some drawing and painting lessons online, so that I would write a review of the course. Mr. Imagination was very excited to begin the course, since he loves to draw and wants to learn how to draw better. He worked through 6 of the 12 lessons before we stopped doing school for the summer, and came up with some great pictures! He thinks they aren’t very good, but I think they are. (If you want to know more about the course, go to My review is on The Old Schoolhouse Product Reviews page.)
This is his panda:
I think Little Miss painted this house while they had the art materials out.
Mr. Imagination did this jellyfish:
Mr. Imagination’s orca is on top, and Little Miss’s below:
Mr. Imagination’s hummingbird:
I don’t know what happened to the tiger he painted. He was really not happy with it; it didn’t turn out the way he wanted it to. I liked it!
I really like the way this teacher shows how to mix different types of art together—she uses pencils, colored pencils, oil pastels, watercolors, and acrylic.
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