Our first two days in Ohio were great; we spent the time with Gayle’s entire family. Then, we got hit with a stomach bug. My children hadn’t had something like that for six years (since we were in America another time!), and had very little immunity to it; the youngest had never had anything like it. Suffice it to say, the rest of our time in Ohio was not very fun, and we ended up canceling almost all plans.
The first day we were there, my boys helped their cousin haul some hay.
We got several pictures from the family gathering, but most had other people in them. Here are a few I can share! This little girl wrapped tissue paper around herself for a “skirt.”
This was the first boy to get sick. He spent a miserable afternoon while the whole family was still there.
While we were in Michigan, my sister received a gift that was shipped in a large box full of cornstarch packing peanuts. I took the box with us to Ohio, and the boys spent a day or two making wonderful creations by sticking them together with a bit of water. Here are some of the things they came up with:
Mr. Sweetie built this boat.
Mr. Imagination made these boats. Mr. Diligence made something quite creative, too. I can’t remember now what it was, and when we took the pictures he was sick so I didn’t get a photo of his.
My sister-in-law with whom we stayed made a batch of play dough for the children. The little boys spent hours and hours over a few days playing with it, with her toy kitchen set, and when Little Miss recovered from her sickness she spent every spare minute playing with it, too! I’m thinking I need to find her a kitchen set.
My boys loved ice skating; they went twice. Each time, two were well enough to go and one had to stay back, but they all got to go at least once. These two enjoyed cleaning off their aunt’s porch and walk one day after a fresh snowfall!
So there you have what I can share here of our time with family! I’m hoping to get back into a routine of posting every Saturday again, now that we’re recovered from jet lag and I’m not so tired from pregnancy anymore. Yes, we’re hoping for a new addition to the family in about six months! We’re very thankful for the prospect of a new baby, and when we got to hear the heartbeat this morning it was very thrilling to know that this little one is alive.
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