A few days ago when Simon came home from work, he noticed a big pot of beef broth simmering on the stove. That reminded him of the bread soup we used to have at special church meetings, so he put a slice of bread in a bowl and ladled some broth over it. A second slice followed, and a third…. Then he remembered beef and noodles. That sounded so good to him that he dug the noodle maker out of storage and made a batch of noodles that very evening! So, tonight’s menu was beef and noodle soup. After we ate, Esther requested that I post the recipe on here so she can find it. I would never have thought about writing up such a simple recipe, but maybe someone else will be interested, as well.
To make the noodles, mix flour and egg. Simon said he used 3 cups of white flour and 5 eggs. They are small eggs, so it would be a good idea to start with fewer. Just add eggs and flour as needed until you have a stiff, but uniform dough. Then, roll it out. It’s easiest if you have a noodle maker to roll it thin and cut it into noodles, but a rolling pin and knife will work. Sorry, I don’t have any pictures—I didn’t think about writing about making them! After the noodles are cut, hang them on a clothes horse to dry, or lay them in a single layer on baking sheets or a clean cloth laid over a spare bed. Let them dry for a day or so, and then put in an airtight container. Or, you can skip all that and buy egg noodles! The homemade ones taste better, though.
I put about a kilogram (two pounds) of stew beef into the crockpot this morning and covered it with a couple of quarts of water, seasoned it with salt and pepper, and turned it on high. This afternoon, I poured all that into my soup pot and broke up the meat, then added another 2 1/2 quarts of beef broth and brought it to a boil. When it was boiling, I added the noodles and another couple of teaspoons of salt, and simmered about 10 minutes until the noodles were cooked. Then, we enjoyed the delicious meal! Most of the children added extra salt and pepper.
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