Here are the rest of November’s pictures.
The kittens were born about the middle of November, and we have really been enjoying them. I allowed Mr. Imagination to choose one to keep, since he so badly wants a pet of his own. He chose this one, and was thrilled when her eyes opened and he could hold her.
For Mr. Diligence’s birthday, some friends came, and the boys went on a 31 kilometer bike ride around the area.
School time!
Esther helped Mr. Imagination make peanut butter balls one day. Little Miss enjoyed helping, too—and they both loved eating them!
The roses are a bit past their peak now, but a few weeks ago Mr. Imagination picked a bunch and made this arrangement!
Mr. Intellectual’s science experiment to show how the diaphragm and lungs work.
He has also been trying to work out how to make a small hot air balloon. So far, none of his designs has been light enough to get off the ground, and now that we’re back into a bad drought, he has to halt his experiments so he won’t cause a fire.
They attached a fishing line to the balloon, in case it would rise.
The geese and 3-week-old goslings.
The kittens at a day old.
Everyone was rather distracted one morning when a trucker came to take away a truck trailer that had been here for years. Mr. Intellectual helped him load some other stuff on his truck as well, to take to the owners of this place. My little people really enjoyed watching the crane in action! Mr. Sweetie took his schoolbook outside so he could work while he watched. He actually got a little done!
Such a cute kitten!
Kittens!!!! and smiles… what a great month. Good images. 🙂 visiting from crew blog
Kittens!!!! and smiles… what a great month. Good images. 🙂 visiting from crew blog