During our three weeks in Michigan, we went visiting a number of times. Several times, I took the boys to my brother’s house to play in his lovely pond. They went round and round with the paddleboat, and the three oldest swam from end to end over and over. I hadn’t realized what strong swimmers they’ve become! They had so much fun in that pond.
We went to church one Sunday at the meetinghouse where I grew up. It still looks pretty much the same!
We enjoyed seeing the deer beside the road, although we were a bit nervous when they were too close to the edge. This doe and fawn and two turkeys were in a clearing near Reed City, where we went to visit some friends. We actually turned around and went back to get this picture, and they had moved a bit by the time we got back to them.
Daises were in bloom everywhere—one of my favorite wildflowers.
The boys enjoyed playing at a park and along a river with their friends near Reed City.
That evening my children were introduced to volleyball for the first time.
Another day we went to visit some old friends who build log homes. Gayle and the children toured the log yard and saw how the houses are built.
This oriole and bluebird were right outside my brother’s window.
I’ve seen sandhill cranes a number of times, but never babies!
Deer are abundant in Michigan!
This is what you really don’t want to see—at least it was far enough ahead of us that we were safe this time.
We drove past our old farm a few times, and Gayle stopped in one day to talk to the people who bought it from us.
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