One day when I was hanging out laundry, Little Miss found this headdress that her daddy wears at work to cover his hair and beard. She thought it was great fun to try on!
Little Miss wanted me to take a picture of Princess’s feet!
Bandit going out the living room window.
What fun! A box with a hole in the side!
Mr. Inventor bringing the little ones in for dinner.
One cool morning I lit the fire in the coal range. Princess spent a lot of the morning on this stool in front of it, soaking in the heat.
Little Miss was excited one morning to find a kitten asleep in the dirty laundry pile. She covered the kitten up, so I carefully picked up the pile of laundry and put it in a basket so no one would step on the invisible kitten. Then, both of them ended up in the soft “bed”.
Little Miss is playing with dolls more and more. Here, she was carefully covering up her baby’s toes. When I put her in bed at night, and she has a teddy bear with her, she wants me to cover its feet, too!
Mr. Inventor’s latest project: a recumbent bike. It’s still in the process of being made, but he rides it around a lot.
Trying to sync the front wheels so steering is easier, and fix the chain.
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