This is just a random collection of pictures I found on the camera of the children from the past month.
Mr. Sweetie picking cherries the second Sunday of the month.
Mr. Imagination’s reaction when I told him we were working on buying plane tickets to go to America in June. Think he likes the idea? We’re all excited!
To go to America, we have to get American passports for the two youngest. Mr. Imagination has one, but it will be expired before we go, and we haven’t done Little Miss’s American paperwork at all yet. So, one morning Esther and I worked on getting passport pictures taken. That’s a challenge!
We have a family staying with us for awhile. One day I was harvesting cabbage, with help from several children, and Mr. Sweetie found his head covered with cabbage leaves after I trimmed the head!
Mr. Inventor went to work again on his well. He got it dug down to about six meters below the surface, with about two meters of water in the bottom, but then the bottom caved in before we were able to try pumping out of it. I love his imagination and ability to make do.
Little Miss pretending to be asleep.
Mr. Sweetie wanted me to take a picture of him with this tower.
So lovely to see your littlies.Thanks for posting them Emma.
Laughing at the passport pictures. ?
Can you tell which we chose for passports? Some of the flops were too cute to delete. So hard to keep them from smiling!