Several local men came to help make the coffin. Our boys were happy to be able to do one last thing for their brother.
Two ladies came to be with me the day before the funeral, when Gayle and the two oldest boys went to pick up the body, and Esther and her cousin went to pick up two aunts from the airport. One of the ladies brought her son, at Mr. Diligence’s request. The boys had a picnic in the yard.
One of the bouquets that was given to us.
The finished coffin, in place for the funeral.
While their friend was here, the boys made this mask, called “Random Face.” This is Mr. Diligence.
Putting together a collage of pictures of Seth’s life for the funeral.
One aunt fixed up the cover of a book for people to write their memories in.
Still praying for you all!
We are so saddened at Seth’s passing and grieve with you all. Even though quite a few years have come and gone since our paths crossed, we care about you and will continue to pray for you as you walk through this valley.
Thank you.
Thank you for sharing–half a world away, but one in heart. God bless your tender hearts and give you peace.
Thank you.
Thank you. It is good and healing to see these. Give your mom a hug from me.