My sister made this dress and sent it with Esther and Mr. Handyman when they were in America last year. It finally fits her—but now I need to let the hem out! She’s growing fast.
Mr. Intellectual has been making kites lately. He’s frustrated, though, because either we have no wind, or we have too much wind to fly it.
Several of the children went together to buy the game Settlers of Catan recently. We’ve been enjoying playing with it.
Mr. Sweetie took this picture of Mr. Imagination.
Little Miss is a bookworm!
Mr. Intellectual was given a glass prism recently. He’s been having fun making rainbows on sunny days.
I was reading to Mr. Imagination and Mr. Sweetie, and Little Miss decided she needed to be right in the middle!
Little Miss playing at church, in the foyer.
I sorted all the extra clothes recently. Mr. Diligence found this old shirt, which was his for a few years. He was thrilled to find an old favorite, and managed somehow to get it on! It was difficult to get off again.
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