Here are some recent pictures of some of my favorite little people.
First is a picture of both of my daughters.
Little Miss has been standing up without support lately. This was the first day she was doing it, and she only did it that day on the edge of the kitchen door! She was enthralled with Mr. Imagination playing with that stool! I couldn’t get a picture of her standing up because she went down again so fast.
Little Miss, watching us working in the garden.
Helping Daddy take the sprouts off potatoes.
Little Miss loves the baby geese—look at her mouth!
Mr. Imagination wanted to make a recipe video. He really didn’t know where he was going with it—just wanted to make one. He was going to use water and cooked rice. Then, he spilled the water, and then my memory card filled up so we had to quit.
She was thrilled to be outside!
This is jealousy. Little Miss was unhappy with Mr. Imagination being on my lap.
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