Every year, we like to take an afternoon in April and drive around through the hills to the west of us, looking for wild apples along the road. We never get over there otherwise, and it’s a beautiful drive. The apples are the excuse to take a family drive! We all enjoy it. We went last Saturday, and it turned out to be a beautiful afternoon. We ended up picking or picking up about 7 bushels (14-15 banana boxes full) of apples, mostly for the cow. We have plenty for ourselves already, and since it’s so dry, we’re feeding her apples and pumpkin to supplement the dry grass she has.
This little girl is learning to accept her car seat.
Mr. Diligence with a huge apple—we always stop at that tree!Mr. Intellectual with his two apples from the special tree.
Notice how dry the landscape is. We have not had significant rain since about August. Even so, it’s a beautiful place!
Mr. Diligence and Mr. Intellectual, climbing a hill to check out a tree we normally pick from—it has fallen over, though.
Mr. Handyman, doing what he does best! (Growing, teenage boy.)
We couldn’t resist doing a mini photo shoot of this beautiful baby!
While we were at it, we got a nice picture of Mr. Intellectual……and of Mr. Sweetie.
They found a dead hawk on the road.
Esther spent a lot of time trying to get a picture of this curious, friendly fantail.
Gum trees are so beautiful, with their white trunks and branches.
At one place, five or six bulls were grazing the roadside. All that kept them in was an electric tape! Those massive creatures seemed quite placid, but I was glad to be inside the van.
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