I’m staying home from church today because four boys have colds and sore throats. They wanted to watch Flywheel, after we listened to a sermon, so if Little Miss Two Months Old will cooperate, I’ll let you see some of the cuteness we get to enjoy!
Sitting in the laundry basket kept her entertained for awhile one day. I wish I had a Bumbo seat for her—I’m hoping I can find one used soon. She loves being able to look around, but we don’t have any kind of seat besides her carseat, which she hates. Meanwhile, this worked once at least!
Big brother Nathan (3) loves her! We have to watch, though, because he is still trying to learn how to show that love. (No, don’t poke her. Don’t lick her. Keep your fingers out of her mouth. Leave her eyes alone. Yes, give her a kiss!)
Ready for church again! This was made for Esther by Gayle’s second sister.
Big brother apparently wanted to do what little sister was doing!
I love how she sleeps with her hands up! This dress was made for Esther by Gayle’s youngest sister. She also made a doll, with a matching dress. The only problem is, I’m not sure where it is right now (we do still have it).
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