Our children participated in the annual Dead Boring Concert on November 2nd (for those who don’t know, Dead Boring is the name of our homeschool writing group). They sang two songs; I’ve included the lyrics in case it’s hard to make them out.
The Value of One
Could it be that up in heaven, God is sitting on His throne
Anticipating another sinner will soon become his own
Years of wasted living and years of toil and strife
Are just about to be over as he receives the gift of life
Go sound the horn! Strike up the choir!
A sinner is saved – saved from the fire!
No more in darkness, he’s received My Son,
All heaven’s rejoicing, that’s the value of one!
The Holy Spirit has been working to soften up their hearts
All He needs is a willing servant to simply do his part
Can you imagine up in the heaven the joy there will be that day
As a sinner bows his head to pray, can’t you hear the Father say?
Start construction on his mansion there on hallelujah’s street
He doesn’t know yet what is waiting when the Savior he will meet…
I wandered so aimless, life filled with sin
I wouldn’t let my dear Saviour in
Then Jesus came like a stranger in the night
Praise The Lord, I saw the light
I saw the light, I saw the light
No more darkness, no more night
Now I’m so happy, no sorrow in sight
Praise the Lord, I saw the light
Just like the blind man, I wandered along
Worries and fears, I claimed for my own
Then like the blind man, that God gave back his sight
Praise the Lord, I saw the light
I saw the light, I saw the light
No more darkness, no more night
Now I’m so happy, no sorrow in sight
Praise the Lord, I saw the light
I was a fool to wander and stray
For straight is the gate and narrow the way
Now I have traded, the wrong for the right
Praise the Lord, I saw the light
I saw the light, I saw the light
No more darkness, no more night
Now I’m so happy, no sorrow in sight
Praise the Lord, I saw the light
After the concert, while we were standing around eating cookies and chatting, our littlest and another little boy just seven weeks older discovered each other. They spent about 10 minutes hugging, over and over, to the delight of everyone around.
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