I’ve been busy living life, not blogging it. So, here’s a collection of pictures from the past few weeks.
Two little boys who like to do things together.
Snuggled up to big brother, doing what he does.
Our first calf for the year. The boy who has taken over calf-feeding had trouble with the bottle, and the calf followed him up on the porch when he came to ask me for help.
“I’m washing my hands, of course!” He climbed up on the sink counter when no one was watching, and rubbed soap all over his hands (and clothes!)
Sorry if this is too much for some people. I put this on for Mom. It’s a trail of mucous, with a dried-out slug at the end!
Helping big brother do school.
Under the hot water heater! This little fellow has recently discovered the joys of climbing into tight places! Usually, though, by the time I find the camera, he’s done.
Sunday we walked along a creek in Kaikoura. The boys all walked along the top of this wall.
This shag obligingly posed for us.
Instead of retracing our steps when we got to where the creek flows into the sea, Gayle carried most of us over!
There! I got them posted. I had to take the pictures out and put them back in several times because they weren’t cooperating the way I wanted! (And my daughter laughed at my struggles! And, enjoy the new header–she spent several days making it.) (Edit: I’m putting it here, since it is no longer at the top of the blog. Isn’t it creative?)
Your youngest, and my youngest are doing a lot of the same things….messes, and small spaces. 🙂 Wondering where the pic of you being ferried across is? 🙂
Thankfully, that picture didn’t get taken! Esther was busy taking off her shoes–she didn’t want carried over! And, I’ll admit I looked around carefully before it was my turn to make sure there were not spectators!
I assumed as much, but just thought I should tease you anyway. 🙂
I really like the new header. 🙂 And thanks (I guess) for the slug picture: maybe next time there is a migration of big ones on the black tarp we are using to “clear ground” in the lower garden, I should take a picture to share. Although that may have been a one-time thing: the day I saw so many was right after we put down the plastic, and they were probably refugees.
You’re the only one I could think of that might at all appreciate that picture–I thought it was fascinating to stumble upon that trail. Doesn’t Esther do a great job with things like that header!