I don’t know about you, but I have never had enough bookshelves in my life. The ones I have had have always been overflowing, with books laid on top of other books. We bought this set of shelves the day after we arrived in New Zealand, and it’s been overstuffed the whole time we’ve had it! I like the ends my hubby and boys just made for the top a week or two ago–it gives us an entire shelf there! We had stacks of books at either end to hold other books up, but that always looked messy. So much better now! We bought this set from one of our friends when they moved back to the States; the young man built it himself. It’s probably the prettiest piece of furniture we have. The rest of our books were stored in the linen closet in the hallway and lined up along both sides of a short hallway we don’t use much–it just leads outside and is one of seven doors to outside so not really needed. You can imagine how I felt when I found another large, sturdy set of bookshelves at a thrift shop last week for $5! The only problem–it was 40 miles from home and there was no way to haul it with our van. It wasn’t worth taking the truck there to pick up. I called a friend to ask if they would, by any chance, be going that way with their truck–no. I went to the counter to pay for my other purchases, and on a whim asked the clerk if she happened to know of anyone who would be going to Cheviot and could deliver the shelves. I was astounded when she said, “Go talk to that man over there.” I went over and talked to him, and he was able to deliver the shelves to Cheviot several days later when they picked up the recyclable rubbish, for $5! So, for $10, we have a lovely, sturdy set of shelves–and, as you can see, extra shelf space! I love having the school books out of the closet and visible now, and being able to organize everything the way I want it. Thank you, Lord!
Ronda says
color me jealous! We are overflowing our shelves here, too, and we don’t even have a place to put more shelves. 🙁