Two of my boys decided the other day that they would like to be Siamese twins. They decided they wanted to be tied together for the next morning. Well, predictably, life wasn’t so simple as they thought it would be! Elbow room was hard to come by at the table, and then when they went out to move the cow’s fence for me it got extremely awkward and painful! They came in pretty quickly, and one announced that he was going to do surgery! He was feeling like he was getting bruised.
The younger boys decided to try it for a little while, too!
I sorted and organized a cupboard today, and discarded a number of music CDs that we didn’t want. The boys claimed them, and discovered that they could use the condensation on the window to make them stick to the glass! They made several interesting patterns.
[…] 11, Friday. Well, the “Siamese twins” lasted about an hour! They ate breakfast tied together, then headed out to move the cows. […]