In early March, we had the chance to go to the Antarctic Centre in Christchurch with the homeschool group we used to be part of. One of the moms from the group organized special rates for us. Gayle and I took the youngest five children and had a fun tour.
We started with a Hagglund ride. Miss Joy is too young to go on this ride, so Gayle took care of her while I went with the other children. About ten years ago when we went the other time, I stayed back from the Hagglund with the current baby, so this time I enjoyed getting to experience it.
Here are two of the other Hagglunds. They are used for exploration in Antarctica, and can go over incredibly rough terrain. They are watertight and very strong!
This was one of the obstacles we went over on the 15-minute ride. It was a very steep hill.
This is the other Hagglund that took part of our group.
We drove over these logs. They are intended to represent broken-up sea ice.
This was another very steep hill, with large boulders in the water at the bottom.
The other Hagglund going through the water.
Just before we went into the 4D theater, Gayle had the children pose here.
This was the highlight of the day for some of the children—the cold room! It is kept below freezing, and then they started a storm. The wind whipped up, and the temperature stopped dropping. It got down to about 0°F for a few minutes.