This first one was actually taken in late October. Mr. Intellectual got his Learners License, and that evening he persuaded his daddy to take him on his first driving lesson. Esther grabbed the picture as they were leaving.
Mr. Intellectual built this safe. He watched some YouTube videos on how to build a number lock, and then put it together. I’m not sure what he’s storing in it.
Mr. Sweetie drew this one evening, and then asked if he could take a picture of it.
Mr. Imagination drew this one, and posted it on the wall.
Mr. Sweetie flopped into the wheelbarrow one day as I was coming out of the house, and immediately Goofball jumped up and settled down on him for a nap. She’s quite a goofy cat—lives up to her name!
Gayle brought Little Miss the dolls she had left behind in Michigan in January, when he came home from his mother’s funeral. She is loving playing with them! I didn’t get a photo of it, but one day she had several dolls, as well as her baby sister, lined up in the living room! It was quite cute.
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