We rarely ever see snow on the ground. When we lived in Cheviot, I believe we saw it four times in eight years. Here, we live in a river valley, at a very low elevation. We sometimes see snow on the mountains around us, but it’s been 10-15 years since our village had it on the ground. So, we were quite surprised, Sunday at lunchtime, to see this out the window:
The huge flakes came faster and faster!
When we got home, there was snow on everything.
The boys immediately started building snowmen.
This will be one of my favorite pictures from this year! Left to right are Mr. Diligence, Simon, Mr. Imagination, Mr. Intellectual, and Mr. Sweetie.
The next morning, there was still a lot of snow around. Simon and Esther went to work, and Simon took this picture from the car.
I took these pictures from our living room window.
By Monday evening, the snow was gone, except for the snowmen, who stayed a little longer. Now they are just memories!
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