One of the days that my family were together in Michigan, we went to Silver Lake, to play in Lake Michigan at the Little Sable Point lighthouse. Here are the world-famous Silver Lake sand dunes, viewed from across Silver Lake—the closest we got to them.
I find this lighthouse particularly interesting, since I once read a diary written by the lighthouse keeper’s family well over a hundred years ago. They were very isolated, and the children had to move to town in the winter, with their grandparents, to go to school.
The beach, looking south. I had forgotten how fine and soft Lake Michigan sand is! So different from our coarse sand. The lack of tides is quite different for us, too, as well as the fresh water. Salt water makes the sand really stick, even when it dries!
The children had great fun playing in the sand, and we had fun watching them and chatting.
My boys all went in swimming, and a few of their cousins. The water was too cold for them to be in very long, although it was much warmer than the waters of the South Pacific which we’re used to!
My three oldest boys are good at water fights, and they also had a sand fight. They would scoop up handfuls of sand from under the water and fling them at each other, trying to duck under before they got hit. It was pretty funny to watch.
The older children were making dribble castles, and Little Miss tried her hand at it, too.
Mr. Sweetie became quite the expert!
The lighthouse was open for climbing, so some of us bought tickets and climbed to the top. What a view!
You can just see the sand dunes above the trees in the center of this picture.
Wow! We live in North Carolina but we were just there (Silver Lake) visiting family on vacation three weeks ago. Enjoyed riding on the dunes in a “Dune Cruiser”. We also took many photos at the Sable light house. They told us that in 100 years Silver Lake will be gone. It will be completely covered with sand. The tour guide joked that for the homes surrounding Silver lake the real estate is “going under”. Lol.
Did they tell you about the house that was buried by sand last year?
Yes! That’s why the Word says not to build on sinking sand. ?
I really love that photo of the stairs inside the lighthouse!
It turned out better than I had hoped!