It looks like most of our pictures are of Little Miss! With good reason; she’s the cutest person in the family right now, and changing the fastest. This is Mr. Imagination, building something with legos in Esther’s bedroom.
A beautiful sunset.
Our favorite (and only cat), Ginger.
I want that camera! It must taste yummy!
Mr. Imagination
“Pick me up, please!”
One Sunday afternoon at church, Mr. Inventor put Little Miss in this old pram that lives in the building, and gave her rides around the room. She loved it!
That same day, after we got home, Gayle helped the boys pop some popcorn—a rare treat in our house.
Esther was holding Little Miss while she slept, and getting some reading done for school. I decided to take a picture of this common scene, and said as much. I reached up for the camera, turned it on, and stepped over to take the picture. Just as I lifted it up, Little Miss flung her arm out and her eyes popped open!
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