Most of last week was pretty tame. We did the normal stuff–school, working outside a few minutes a day, taking care of things in the house, doing laundry–all that good stuff. Saturday night the second-youngest gave us an anxious time when he tripped and fell against a doorpost. We were pretty worried about his head for awhile, but we prayed over him and watched him for a couple of hours, along with a naturopath friend who came over and checked his reflexes. He showed no signs of swelling in the brain or concussion, so after a few hours we put him to bed and other than a large bruise he seems to be fine.
I made a couple of loaves of sourdough bread Saturday. Baby grabbed part of one and happily took off, chewing on it!
Baby loves to read, especially laying on his back!
Our 8-month-old steer, the Jersey/Belted Galloway cross.
I love those chubby, dirty legs!
This morning, Gayle drove into water flowing through the ford he crosses every morning on the way to work, not realizing that it was too deep, and we’re thankful he was able to get out of the truck! It was washed downstream a ways. The children went to look for it this afternoon, and found it 50-100 meters from the ford. Next adventure–getting it out of there! I think we’ll be looking for new transportation to work for Gayle.
This is what is left of the truck.
Up close, the ford is obviously very dangerous right now.
The ford doesn’t look too dangerous from this perspective! And by the way, this pictures was taken at the same time as the one above. That’s how much the road dips down!
Our waterlogged world today, after the storm.
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